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TOLightFest Distillery District Toronto

Night Photography in the Polar Vortex

Night photography is not something I’ve ever really been good at. Nevermind when it’s cold outside. My shots have always been grainy or super dark, or blurry. I always wondered how people got these perfectly gorgeous handheld shots that looked like it might as well be daylight out but with perfect saturated neon blues and pinks and greens. So when my...

Feeding the Travel Bug

What gets you out of bed? For me, its adventure, it’s learning new skills, meeting new people and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. The first time I left home was when I went away for University, I left Winnipeg and headed east to Ottawa.  I still remember applying for universities, my family didn’t understand why I wanted to leave so badly – it...

Photo Trek in the Polar Vortex

Last week a Polar Vortex hit Toronto along with most of the North East of North America. It was the coldest week I can remember here. So, naturally, I thought it would be a great opportunity to go out for a trek into the Rouge Valley National Park, and practice some outdoor photography skills. I brought my brand new camera gear, and my friend and fellow YouTuber...